ATRC System Integration @ Sarnoff Research Institute
Oil with Mixed Media, 12” x 24”
Collection of Sarnoff Corporation, Princeton, NJ
Copyright 2000 Ioperhian Creations

The field lab, aka the “Discotek” was the site for system integration of the ATRC individual subsystems.
Each member organization designed their portions of the system such that they operated back to back.
For example, Philips designed the video encoder and video decoder.
At Philips Research in Briarcliff, we were able to test our racks, debug when necessary and ship to Sarnoff with confidence that our equipment worked properly in stand alone mode.
This simplified system integration in that all problems encountered were of a system nature, not an individual subsystem.
A checkerboard pattern (mentioned in Joel Brinkley’s book “Defining Vision”) was used to test end to end system performance.